Professional development
A core objective of the Bar Association is to promote, maintain and improve the standards of local practising barristers. Our Professional Standard and Support Department achieves this by organising the Bar Exams, the Bar Practice Course, Reading, mentoring and the Continuing Professional Development Program (CPD).
CPD Program
Barristers practising in New South Wales, with some exceptions, are required to earn at least ten CPD points in a practising year. This is fundamental to maintain the standards and professional reputation of the NSW Bar. More information about CPD can be obtained from the Legal Profession Uniform Continuing Professional Development (Barristers) Rules 2015,
The CPD Program offers a wide range of activities, including seminars, conferences, webinars, mentoring opportunities, and other relevant events tailored to foster continuous professional growth. For a comprehensive list of upcoming events, visit the CPD Calendar.
Webinars hosted by the New South Wales Bar Association will be run by registration only. Barristers and Members are advised to read the webinar terms and conditions before attending.
CPD online
Login to CPD seminar streaming to catch up on missed seminars by watching a replay and downloading an accompanying paper (Login required)
CPD record form
Barristers are required to maintain a record of engagement in CPD activities for the CPD year using this form, submitted in hard copy or electronically, and must retain that record for at least three years after the CPD year.
CPD seminar suggestions
We greatly appreciate your feedback and suggestions. If you have recommendations for CPD seminar speakers or specific topics and areas of law you would like us to cover in future seminars. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email at CPD@nswbar.asn.au. Your input helps us tailor our programs to better serve the needs of our members.