Climate change and refugee law

The Climate Change Committee of the New South Wales Bar Association is pleased to announce the commencement of its Climate Law CPD series with a presentation by Prof. Jane McAdam, Chaired by the Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Australia, the Hon. Debra Mortimer.

Prof. Jane McAdam is the Scientia Professor of Law and Director of the Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law at UNSW. She has been researching and writing on the implications of climate change for refugee law for many years. Most recently, she has been working with a group of international experts, backed by the UNHCR, to draft international guidance on protection claims for people displaced across borders in the context of climate change and disasters. Her lecture will be the first time the draft guidelines are addressed in public.

The Chief Justice has graciously agreed to host the presentation in Courtroom 1 of Federal Court of Australia (Law Courts Building).


CPD Points 1
Date & Times Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 5:15pm - 6:15pm
CPD Strand Substantive Law, Practice and Procedure, and Evidence
Committee Climate Change

This CPD will be held in the Federal Court of Australia, Court Room 1 

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